The User Cockpit in ZELIQ is an essential tool designed to give you a clear overview of your activities, from lead pipelines to email and call tracking. It's a must-have to improve your reporting to your manager and be more efficient.
This article covers the key features and how they can enhance sales performance. 🚀
📊 Global - Pipe overview
These dashboards provide critical insights into your lead pipeline, their sources, and the actions required to manage them effectively.
Status repartition
This chart highlights the distribution of leads across different statuses in your pipeline.
Key Statuses:
New: 1844 leads, indicating potential opportunities yet to be acted upon.
Booked: 204 leads with scheduled meetings.
Hunting: 168 leads actively pursued.
Bad Timing: 132 leads marked for follow-up at a later time.
Nurturing: 52 leads in relationship-building stages.
How to Use:
Identify bottlenecks in your pipeline.
Focus on converting “new” leads or nurturing those marked as “bad timing” or “hunting.”
Lead source
This pie chart shows the primary sources used to import leads into your pipeline.
Search: 1128 leads, indicating high reliance on the database search functionality.
CRM: 959 leads imported from your CRM system.
Manual: 25 leads added individually.
Optimize underutilized sources for better lead quality.
Evaluate the effectiveness of manual entries.
Weekly meeting booked
This line chart visualizes meeting bookings over time to help assess your team’s performance.
How to Use:
Track weeks with peak performance (e.g., Week 41 with 15 meetings).
Adjust strategies during weeks with lower results to boost consistency.
Action by status
This heatmap provides a detailed view of the number of actions (emails, calls, etc.) required to transition leads into specific statuses.
Key Insights:
New: 1717 leads have required zero actions, suggesting a need for follow-up prioritization.
Booked: 27 leads have been booked with 1 action, indicating high efficiency in conversion.
Hunting: Most leads in this category required 2–3 actions before status assignment.
How to Use:
Focus on leads in the “new” category with zero actions and create an action plan to engage them.
Analyze which statuses require more actions and allocate resources accordingly.
📞 Activity
These dashboards provide a comprehensive view of your activities, enabling data-driven decisions and maximizing your efficiency.
Global Activity
The Global Activity chart highlights the overall distribution and evolution of your actions across different communication channels.
Key Metrics:
Calls Inbound & Outbound
Mails Inbound & Outbound
How to Use:
Identify periods of high activity to pinpoint successful campaigns.
Analyze the balance between inbound and outbound efforts to optimize strategies.
Emails overview
This section breaks down email-specific metrics to help you refine your outreach efforts.
Metrics Explained:
# Email: Total number of emails sent.
% Email from Sequences: Percentage of emails generated from automated sequences.
Email / Lead: Average number of emails sent per lead.
Email Inbound: Emails received from leads.
Email Outbound: Emails sent out.
Use the Weekly Messages chart to identify peak weeks for email campaigns.
Leverage data on inbound vs. outbound emails to adjust communication flows.
Calls performance
Understand the performance and efficiency of your call campaigns.
Key Metrics:
# Call: Total calls made.
% Connected: Percentage of calls successfully connected.
Avg Duration (min): Average call length in minutes.
Call / Lead: Average number of calls made per lead.
Use the Weekly Call chart to recognize trends in call volume.
Monitor connected rates to identify the best-performing time slots for calls.
Connected Rate by UTC Hour & Day
This heatmap helps you pinpoint the optimal times to reach leads by visualizing connection rates.
How to Read:
Darker shades represent higher connection rates.
Cross-reference the time slots with high connection rates and schedule your calls accordingly.
Optimize your team's time by focusing on the high-success windows for lead engagement.
🗣️ Sequences
These dashboards provide detailed insights into the performance of your email and LinkedIn outreach sequences, enabling you to refine and optimize your campaigns.
Sequence result
This table summarizes the performance of your email sequences.
Key Metrics:
# Contact: Number of contacts included in the sequence.
# Mails: Number of emails sent.
# Opened: Emails that were opened by recipients.
# Clicked: Emails where links were clicked.
# Replied: Replies received.
# Rejected: Emails bounced or marked as rejected.
# Unsubscribed: Contacts who unsubscribed from the sequence.
How to Use:
Identify sequences with high open and reply rates to replicate successful strategies.
Address sequences with high unsubscribe or rejection rates by refining messaging or targeting.
Sequence LinkedIn result
This table tracks LinkedIn actions within your sequences.
Key Metrics:
# Lkd Visit Profile: Number of LinkedIn profiles visited.
# Lkd Invitation: Invitations sent on LinkedIn.
# Lkd Invitation Accepted: Invitations accepted by leads.
# Lkd Message Send: Messages sent on LinkedIn.
# Lkd Message Answered: Replies received from LinkedIn messages.
# Action Step Skipped: Actions skipped during the sequence.
Use invitation acceptance and message reply rates to measure LinkedIn engagement.
Investigate skipped actions to ensure sequence completion.
Choose a sequence to have a deeper analysis.
Lead Status in the sequence
This bar chart illustrates the status distribution of leads in a selected sequence.
Statuses Explained:
Error_email_empty: Leads missing email addresses.
Sdr_linkedin_not_sync: SDR not synced to LinkedIn.
Error_linkedin_url_empty: Leads missing LinkedIn profiles.
Contact_unsubscribed: Leads who unsubscribed from communications.
Done: Completed sequence steps.
Contact_bounced: Emails bounced.
Contact_answered: Leads who replied or engaged.
Contact_unassigned: Leads without assigned follow-ups.
📝 Analyse the sequence's errors in this article.
How to Use:
Prioritize resolving errors (e.g., adding missing emails or LinkedIn URLs).
Focus on "done" and "answered" leads for follow-ups.
Sequence Email and LinkedIn Engagement
These tables provide detailed logs of individual lead interactions.
Sequence Email Opens: Details of contacts who opened emails.
Sequence Email Clicks: Contacts who clicked on links.
Sequence Email Answers: Contacts who replied to emails.
Sequence LinkedIn Replies: Contacts who replied to LinkedIn messages.
How to Use:
Review individual interactions for insights on lead engagement.
Combine email and LinkedIn responses to identify highly engaged leads.
By leveraging these powerful features in your Cockpit, you can improve coordination, optimize performance, and drive greater sales outcomes.
Happy prospecting 💚
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