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Hubspot Integration

Discover tips to connect your Hubspot CRM with ZELIQ

Updated over a week ago

In this article, we are going to show you how to set up and synchronize your Hubspot account with the platform.

You can combine the power of ZELIQ with your CRM to avoid back and forth between the two platforms. ZELIQ enriches your Hubspot database with valuable information related to your campaigns: contacts, companies, and activities (phone calls, emails, notes).

Depending on your configuration, you will be able to:

🚀 Create new leads in your CRM, no matter the channel used to import them into your ZELIQ campaign: CSV, LinkedIn extension, manually, etc.

🔥 Add hot leads to your CRM based on their status: responded, clicked, marked as Interested...

🌟 Update the leads in your CRM with verified information in ZELIQ.

⚡️ Import prospects from Hubspot to ZELIQ to enrich them or prospects using your filters

✨ Let's get started!

🔎 If you are on the Free plan, please note that only "pull" functionality is available, meaning you can share information from Hubspot to ZELIQ, but not the other way around or bidirectional.

🔗 Connect Hubspot

➡️ Click on "Settings" at the bottom left of your window

➡️ Click on "Integrations" 🔌

➡️ Then connect your Hubspot account via the "connect" button.

➡️ Create or log in to your Hubspot account

➡️ Select your Hubspot account

➡️ Connect Hubspot

🔁 Synchronize Hubspot

➡️ Start synchronizing Hubspot by clicking on "Not in sync" (1)

You are only 4 steps away from finishing the connection! 🙌

➡️ Step 1: Synchronization type

You can synchronize your entire CRM with ZELIQ, or only specific lists if you already have them set up in your Hubspot. Regardless of the type of synchronization you choose, you can add exclusion rules before launching your first synchronization.

💡 For the first synchronization, we recommend initially importing a list to check your configuration matches with your needs. Then later activate global synchronization.

➡️ Step 2: Push settings

You can change your push settings at any time to define which entities can be created in your Hubspot.

You can synchronize the following information between Hubspot and ZELIQ :

  • Contact information

  • Company information

  • Calls

  • Emails

  • Notes

🚨Previously created entities will not be deleted if you disable the push settings.

➡️ Step 3: Mapping rules

There are three mappings to be made: contact, company and status.

  • Contact:

    There are three mandatory properties to consider: First name, Last name and Company name

If a ZELIQ property does not exist and it is important to you then you can create custom fields in the ZELIQ properties and then allocate the suitable Hubspot field in the middle column.

The mapping can be modified but is not retroactive. Leads imported before the update will not be impacted by the modification.

  • Company:

    Same as the above.

  • Status:

    This section allows you to map statuses and standardize them between ZELIQ and Hubspot. In this case, make sure to select your main status, which will be the value sent to your Hubspot account when a synchronized prospect is updated. Make sure to map all the states you use in Hubspot during this step.

For now, ZELIQ does not allow the creation of custom statuses, but you can select multiple statuses from your Hubspot account and associate them with a unique status in ZELIQ.

➡️ Step 4: Exclusion rules

You can modify your exclusion rules to filter what you synchronize from Hubspot to ZELIQ. Adding exclusion rules will not remove entities previously synchronized with ZELIQ, but removing exclusion rules will synchronize the previously filtered entities.

🎉 Your Hubspot account is now connected to ZELIQ 🎉

Good job ⚡️

🎙️ Frequently Asked Questions

  • Custom Properties

If you want to synchronize fields that you have in your Hubspot but not in ZELIQ (yet 😉), you can add "Custom Properties".

For them, you need to distinguish between "string of characters" and "multiple-choice lists".

👉 If the Hubspot Custom Property you want to synchronize with ZELIQ is a string of characters (free text field), you will be able to modify it either in ZELIQ or in Hubspot.

👉 If the Hubspot Custom Property you want to synchronize with ZELIQ is a multiple-choice list, you can modify the field only in Hubspot, but not from ZELIQ. Once modified in Hubspot, you'll see the update in ZELIQ but you won't be able to modify it from the platform.

If you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact our lovely team through our chatbot. 💚

👩🏼‍💻 For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Master the Sales Game by checking our ZELIQ Academy on our Website or through our YouTube Channel 🚀

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