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Send an individual email via ZELIQ

Steps to send a direct email to your prospect from your Lead list

Updated over 3 months ago

Did you finally get that coveted email from a lead through ZELIQ and want to contact them?

1️⃣ Go to "My lead" or "Organization leads"

💡If you go through organization leads, make sure the lead is assigned to you.

In both cases, if you don't have an email address for this contact then it will not be possible to click on the envelope.

2️⃣ Click on the name of the desired contact to display the envelope icon on the right side of the screen

In the GIF above, the user used an email template to be even more efficient!

3️⃣ You are now in the Outreach section

You can access this section directly by clicking on "Outreach" in the navigation bar. However, you will inevitably be in contact with the oldest task.

4️⃣ Write and send your email as you would on a classic messaging tool

🤩 Thanks to ZELIQ you can:

  • Access the history of exchanges and notes in the activity section

  • Have more context on the strategy or personality of the contact in the sections for this purpose

  • Select templates, previously created in the template tab.

👩🏼‍💻 For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us:

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